September 2024 – Putting the Garden to Bed for Winter

For our September meeting we welcomed Karla Dalley who gave the presentation “Putting the Garden to Bed for Winter.”

Club Vice President Jen Lombard and Karla Dalley

Karla’s presentation covered the basic winter preparation for gardens, removing diseased foliage, removing perennial weeds and annual weeds with seed heads.  Also important is removing diseased foliage, putting away statuary and bird baths, pruning dead or broken branches from trees and shrubs.

Karla also explained how applying mulch to gardens as the ground freezes and wrapping fragile evergreens with burlap is important.  Fertilizing evergreen shrubs should also be done in the fall.


Horticulture Chair Dee Blewett commented on the various arrangements on our Horticulture Table.



Our Horticulture Table had late summer bloomers and colorful fall flowers

Our Swap and Share Table had interesting items available this month.