On Saturday, April 20th the Olde Ripton Garden Club held the “Earth Day Seed Planting Workshop” at the Plumb Memorial Library. The workshop was attended by adults and children.
Committee Chair Teya Bell explained how to create a mini greenhouse using repurposed plastic food containers.
Participants used containers, soil and seeds to create their own greenhouses for indoor seed starting.
Teya also explained the day-by-day care needed for the greenhouses to be successful.
Members of the community, along with their children attended the workshop.
Everyone received a repurposed plastic container, three packets of different seeds and soil to create their own individual mini greenhouse.
Participants added water to large containers of potting soil and then filled their individual mini greenhouses with the soil.
After they had enough soil Teya instructed everyone how to plant the seeds and how to care for them once they took them home.
A great time was had by everyone, getting their hands into the soil and planting seeds.