June Meeting – Knapp’s Landing Luncheon

This luncheon meeting was held at Knapp’s Landing in Stratford for the installation of new club officers for 2014-2016.

The Installation of Officers was conducted by Fran Hope.  The ceremony was based on the symbolic meanings of herbs with colors of ribbons adding to the meanings. Corresponding Secretary:  Donna Pensiero received a mint tied with a red ribbon representing hospitality and cheer.  Recording Secretary:  Sandy Nesteriak received a rosemary tied with a yellow ribbon representing fidelity and remembrance with the yellow ribbon representing alertness.  Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer, Diane Moran and Marie Vitka receive dill plants representing protection.  The white and gold ribbons represent honesty and wealth.  2nd Vice President:  Marie Allen received a lemon balm symbolizing smoothness.  It was tied with a green ribbon symbolic of peace and dependability. 1st Vice President:  Renee Protomastro received a thyme plant symbolizing activity.  It was tied with a blue ribbon for loyalty to the President and the members.  President:  Renee Marsh was presented with a sage plant, the number one seasoning in the United States.  The sage was tied with a purple ribbon symbolizing high rank.

A pleasant luncheon followed and a delightful afternoon was had by all.

Fran Hope (left) presents Donna Pensiero (right), Corresponding Secretary with a Mint Plant.

Fran Hope (left) presents Donna Pensiero (right), new Corresponding Secretary with a Mint Plant.

New Officers Installed.  (front left to right) Renee Protomastro, Vice President with Renee Marsh, President Olde Ripton Garden Club Installation Luncheon

New Officers Installed. (front left to right) Renee Protomastro, Vice President with Renee Marsh, President Olde Ripton Garden Club at the Club Installation Luncheon.

Outgoing President Joyce Donnelly (left)  who served for four years is presented a plant by new President Renee Marsh (right) from club members.

Outgoing President Joyce Donnelly (left) who served for four years is presented a plant in thanks by new President Renee Marsh (right) from club members.