The May 5th meeting featureed a presentation on Low Maintenance Gardening by Lorraine Ballato.
Life is too short to spend it deadheading, weeding, staking, and doing so many other things in the garden that come under the heading of “drudgery.” Until someone invents the gardening equivalent of a self cleaning oven, we need to garden smarter. This talk will give you some ideas about how to change your garden and gardening techniques so that you will have less maintenance and more time for all those other things in your life.
The native vine of the month was Trumpet honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens)
This is a showy vine with scarlet flowers in summer and autumn. Trumpet honeysuckle is a favorite with hummingbirds. The leaves are dark green on top, and pale blue-green beneath. The vine climbs by twining stems, so it needs a trellis, fence, or large shrub to climb on.
Artistic: Mother’s Day tea cup arrangement
Class I: Lily of the valley
Class II : Lilacs or violets
Class III: Branching out – any branch flowering or not